Saturday, April 11, 2009

Part 4

Brand new engion, it's shiny. I have A trunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Car part 3

Mom, I finally have power locks. As a gift from Faron, he got me new pedals and a shifter knob. It came with a really nice radio/cd player

New car part 2

Of course I needed to make it a little bit more me. So i got me some new seat covers and a steering wheel cover to match . Duh its red

My new car

This is my new car. It is a 95 Saturn SL2 series, 4 door. It came with a bra too

New Hair

It seems like everytime I feel something must change, it tends to be my hair that gets done. I ended up chopping off 4 inches, and got a really bright red.

Yes Man!

This movie was a pee your pants funny. I couldn't stop laughing at all, then again anything with Jim Carey in it is funny. I saw it in the theatre, but when it came out I bought it. The boys loved it, it had all the right things for all of us. Alyssa and I enjoyed the love story, where as the boys love the crap Jim Carey's characters friends put him through. SO I give this one a , SPARE PANTIES rating of 10